Bunnygirl Ramblings

My very first blog post

I realise as I begin this very first post on this website it won't be particularly interesting.

And that's okay, really this is just to establish some formatting and make the site more presentable than it is.

While I do not have a particular topic to discuss today I do have many a thing I've been up to, apart from creating this website.

Tomorrow is the first day in which I get to play in my girlfriends pathfinder campaign, as a very cute nun cleric. I've been really looking forward to being able to start roleplaying once again, I've been fueling the outlet in the meantime by creating a vast variety of different TTRPG worlds, of which you can peruse over here.

Roleplaying is a very emotionally satisfying procedure for me I have realised on reflection.

As I have been trying to reconnect to my happiness and my more earnest expressions of joy (tokusatsu, knights and castles, stuff I liked as a kid basically), I've come to really appreciate how roleplaying encourages other people to get into that mindset, and while I don't think I've actually had a very successful go at it, and maybe been a bit too focused on story progression and character moments, this is another opportunity to give it an honest go.

Being creative, and being earnestly open about your creativity and encouraging other people to be that with you, it's a very special thing and TTRPGs excel at it.

Well that's me for now, I'll be back with a more specific topic than "what i'm doing tomorrow" soon, maybe about the things I've been watching or reading or doing, who's to say.

See you next time :)